Jul 26, 2023
Savings from LED lighting will be used to pay for additional City energy saving projects.
On Wednesday, July 26, 2023, members and supporters of Powered Up Baraboo presented a check for $20,000 to Mike Hardy, Director of the City of Baraboo Department of Parks, Recreation, and Forestry. These funds, contributed by supporters of Powered Up Baraboo, will be used to finance the conversion of the existing flourescent lighting system at the Civic Center to energy-efficient LED lighting.
The City of Baraboo Common Council at their July 11 meeting selected Wisconsin Electric LLC of Wisconsin Dells as the contractor for the LED conversion project. Work will begin in the fall of 2023 and is expected to be completed in about 6 months. Wisconsin Electric LLC estimates that once the project is completed, it will save the City of Baraboo about $9,000 per year in electric costs for the Civic Center. Savings will be added to the City's Carbon Reduction Special Revenue Fund, which will be used to pay for future energy-saving projects for the City of Baraboo.
Powered Up Baraboo is a non-profit organization formed in 2019 to increase the use of renewable energy and environmentally sustainable practices in the Baraboo and Sauk County area through education, advocacy, grants/fundraising, and other volunteer efforts.